Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Jesse Jesse
>Josh: CIJNTVY 8G JIVY +34 34
#note Word Cup 2022, Round 6.
>Jesse: ILNV J5 VIN.L +13 13
>Josh: CDNTTUZ H7 D.TZ +14 48
>Jesse: AINO I7 A.ION +30 43
>Josh: ACENTUU 5J .AU +12 60
#note K9 ECU I guess. I dunno what's best here. #strategysad
>Jesse: UY 4L YU +20 63
>Josh: ACENRTU 3F CENTAUR +67 127
>Jesse: ILORT F1 LI.TOR +12 75
>Josh: AGLMOSU H1 MU.GO +30 157
>Jesse: ?AEIORT E5 TOAdIER +80 155
>Jesse: ?AEIORT -- -80 75
>Josh: ACDFLNS N1 CAFS +24 181
#note 12I SCAND sims best with his rack. #strategysaddest
>Jesse: ?AEIORT E5 gOATIER +78 153
>Josh: AADEGLN 1K GLA.E +27 208
>Jesse: EFN F10 FEN +29 182
>Josh: ADIKNOS 13D DAIKONS +75 283
>Jesse: ?EEIPRT D4 REcEIPT +87 269
>Josh: DEEHINW 14J HEWED +53 336
#note This gives too much back. H12 H(O)WE is fine. #strategysadder
>Jesse: IQ 12C QI +28 297
>Josh: BDINOPR 15G BIPOD +39 375
>Jesse: BEEMRS 14A EMBERS +40 337
>Josh: AGHNORW A12 WH.N +42 417
>Jesse: EELOSTX 1A EXTOL. +42 379
>Josh: AAGOR M9 AGORA. +16 433
>Josh: (ES) +4 437
Player 2
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