Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Jesse Jesse
>Will: EEEEGIW 8H EEEW +14 14
#note Will: What is the consensus on opening EEEW theory?
>Jesse: HIOSTUV J3 OUTVI. +17 17
#note Jesse: Big miss to start this game, I saw OUTWISH double-double and chickened out of it, thinking it might just be OUTWITH. however, in this particular universe the correct play would've given Will GHOSTIER, so I was not punished for my error...
>Will: EGHIORT 5E GOTHI.E +44 58
>Jesse: EEHIOOS 6F HOO +34 51
#note JD: my general assumption is that EE>EO, but HOE sims noticeably better (1 point) and EIOS bingos a little more.
>Will: ?AIRRRU K8 .IRRA +16 74
#note Will: OURARI a bit too aggro even for me.
>Jesse: AEEINSS L5 SEA +15 66
>Will: ?JKRRTU 12H JUR.T +40 114
>Jesse: EIINSTY M7 YIN +20 86
#note JD: skilful ITY draw, but at least it gives me a nice play to open good lanes.
>Will: ?ADKNRV 4I K.NA +32 146
#note Will: I often miss VODKA. Darn it. JD: *joke expurgated*
>Jesse: AAEIRST N1 ARISTAE +74 160
>Will: ?CDEERV 9B CoVERED +66 212
>Jesse: ?BCINRW 1L BR.W +36 196
#note JD: quackle has me pretty close to 50-50 to win, which seems about right.
>Will: DFGLMOT 13F GLOM +27 239
>Jesse: ?CINQSU 14I SQUINCh +129 325
#note Will: Latest in the JIBBOOMS series! Aargh!
>Will: BDEFOOT C7 FO.TBED +32 271
>Jesse: AAGILMS B2 SALAMI +33 358
#note JD: it felt like the most likely way to lose would be to a huge -IZE bingo on column B, and that I didn't have that much else to worry about. so I decided to turn over a lot of tiles and block the last decent bingo lane, at the cost of some strong potential comebacks from the X and the Z.
>Will: AILOXYZ 12A ZO.AL +48 319
#note Will: C3 XI gives me a chance at a YEZ/ZAX followup, which is pretty good. It also gives Jesse a chance at a heavy play there of his own, but ZOEAL gives him a Z in the triple lane too, so it's not like that's defensive.
>Jesse: DGILOPU C2 IDOL +22 380
#note JD: I wanted to block big X plays, prevent bingos from the S and through the A (so no play of LUDO) and also play 4 tiles to force him to empty the bag if he played down from the Z. the question is whether I can lose from Will outscoring me. NAZIFY is scary, but requires a pretty specific and improbable letter combination. However, Will also still has RAX/REX plays on the right after IDOL, and he may be able to outrun me with X play + Z play if I draw terribly. Probably I should play PUD at A1, since his most likely painful followup is RAX or REX, and then all I have to do is draw an N to have ZING and pretty much seal the win. this play leaves me vulnerable to the REX -> NAZIFY sequence.
>Will: EFINNXY M1 .EX +40 359
#note Will: If I get a draw like AE I can actually put huge pressure on Jesse here threatening NAZIFY, while he has nothing from the Z himself. This is the only play that looks like it has a chance.
>Jesse: AEGPPTU A5 PAGE +37 417
#note JD: should play ZETA! no idea what I was thinking. Hemorrhaging spread
>Will: DEFINNY A12 .EIN +39 398
>Jesse: NPTU O13 P.T +12 429
#note JD: this is the right sequence.
>Will: DFNY 10J F.Y +17 415
>Jesse: NU B14 NU +10 439
>Jesse: (DN) +6 445
Player 2
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