Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Edward Edward
#player2 Joey Joey
>Edward: HNU 8G HUN +12 12
>Joey: ?EIORSZ G8 .EROIZeS +80 80
#note SEIZORS at J2 or F2 doesn't open a triple triple lane, but it does allow easy Z plays.
>Edward: ADEE 15E EA.ED +18 30
>Joey: BDEINNR 14F B.N +22 102
>Edward: AEIR 13G .AIRE +18 48
>Joey: DEILLNR D11 DRILL +22 124
>Edward: AAGINTV K6 NAVIGAT. +74 122
>Joey: AEJMNUY L3 UNJAM +34 158
>Edward: ?AAEHLR C5 tREHALA +64 186
>Joey: AEEIOWY B2 YOWIE +31 189
>Edward: ISX L11 XIS +48 234
>Joey: ACEEFIY C1 FEY +33 222
#note I saw ACHY 8A for a lot more points but EEFI is considerably less dynamic.
>Edward: ADEGILO 3F DIALOG.E +74 308
>Joey: ACEINOW 8A CA.OW +42 264
>Edward: OOTT A1 OTTO +33 341
>Joey: EFINNOT 2M FON +17 281
>Edward: EEPV M9 VEEP +28 369
>Joey: EEIINTT 1C .INITE +30 311
>Edward: BMR 13B BR.M +16 385
>Joey: CDEKTTU 12F T.CK +28 339
#note I suppose I could fish off a tile for the 194-point UNTUCKED, but somehow I wouldn't expect that to stay open.
>Edward: GOPQSSU N12 SUQS +32 417
>Joey: DERTU I5 TUR.ED +9 348
>Joey: (GOP) +12 360
Player 2
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