Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Zev Zev
#note I tend to place openings in the dead center, but this looked better to prevent cheap DITZY snapbacks. quackle disagrees and prefers 8G.
>Zev: COOPRSV F6 CO.R +12 12
#note thanks to zev for providing his racks!
>JD: ?GHLORT 6F .LOTH +18 46
#note REGOLITH is the only 8 out of this rack, which he blocked.
>Zev: ILOPPSV K2 PLOPS +29 41
>JD: ?GIOOOR H8 .OO +12 58
#note This is a little too volatile, potentially giving him cheap points or a place to play non-gos. I saw LOGOI but not IGLOO. IGLOO definitely looks best. On the other hand, if he's not looking for ZOO- extensions maybe I'll have an advantage down the road!
>Zev: AEIKOTV E8 .AKOIT +24 65
>JD: ?GIMNOR 2G tROM.ING +86 144
>Zev: EEINNVY 14B VINY +35 100
#note this is a cool hook.
>JD: EEEEINQ 1L QI +44 188
#note it's rare that an 11 point play can compete with a 44-point one on a sim, but EPEE sims about even with QI. EPEE allows me a shot at QUAI for 95 to effectively end the game, and zev is quite unlikely to block the spot at 1L. With that said, my odds of hitting QUAI are only about 5%, so I think taking the guaranteed points seems reasonable.
>Zev: AEEFFNW 1F WEAN +30 130
>JD: EEEENOR J6 .EREON +11 199
#note I was happy to take out the best lane on the board on row 11, but EPEE is far and away the best play.
>Zev: AAEFFIT K9 FIAT +25 155
>JD: CDDEEEE 12C DE.CED +24 223
>Zev: AAAEFIN H12 .EAF +24 179
#note this creates some new lanes for me to worry about
>JD: ADEELUW L11 WAUL +24 247
#note when I made this play I actually though NAW took the S. It does not. Silly me.
>Zev: AAEGHIU I13 HAE +26 205
>JD: BDEEGRX 4J B.XED +30 277
>Zev: AAEGISU 15K USAGE +30 235
#note another nice fit
>JD: BEGIRTV O12 VIB. +13 290
#note my winning chances aren't so hot all of a sudden. quackle suggests that DIVERT messes with the most bingo lanes, but it gives up too many points. I think I feel ok with my choice, but VERBID or BEING sim better.
>Zev: AILNSTY 10B YAN.S +31 266
>JD: ?EGRTUU 5K .URE +20 310
>Zev: AILMRST H1 ..M +5 271
#note this is a pretty reasonable play by Zev here.
>JD: ?EEGJTU H5 G. +3 313
#note now it's serious - I have to block RATLINS. I saw the possibility of STARRILY# (wasn't sure if it was good) but not of SALINITY or INTARSIA. I thought about JO to block RATLINS, but then I don't have a great response if he bingoes anyway. Instead, my play keeps EJECT/PUREE at the right, which should be enough to win. As far as I can tell, the only time I don't win is if he plays INTARSIA and draws the L out of the bag, in which case we tie after he plays VINYL. In any case, quackle doesn't come up with this play, but I am fairly sure it must be best.
>Zev: AILRRST B3 STARRIL. +63 334
#note only good in csw, but I wasn't going to challenge with a win in sight.
>JD: ?EEJNTU A1 aJEE +38 351
#note I had 40 seconds but actually forgot that I had EJECT lined up to go on the right side. Fortunately I saw this. the 3rd winning play is DEJEUNER.
>Zev: I G6 .I. +7 341
>Zev: (NTU) +6 347
Player 2
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