TWL rating
Buffy Hogan
Buffy Hogan | Madison, WI (USA)
(Peak: 1502)
Lifetime record
691-812-6 (0.460)
Career earnings: $950
Avg. score
Major Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  19th National Championship08/09/921017  -301122 of 141 (2)122113911061114  E
  210th National Championship08/13/941314  +37337 of 70 (3)33120711781187  E
  311th National Championship07/21/961215  -68180 of 106 (2)102140515311476  E
  412th National Championship08/09/981516  -20875 of 133 (3)74128612541287  E
  513th National Championship08/06/0015151 +7058 of 118 (4)99119112981269  E
  614th National Championship08/18/021318  -349100 of 126 (4)85122511741193  E
  715th National Championship08/01/041515  -20678 of 150 (4)147101412021126  E
  827th National Championship Main Eve...08/06/161414 3+4849 of 83 (4)16978843932  E
  928th National Championship Main Eve...07/22/171020 1-152985 of 88 (3)85947879919  E
  1029th National Championship Main Eve...08/04/181020 1-778102 of 105 (3)98919761887  E
  1130th National Championship Main Eve...07/20/19624 1-177469 of 71 (3)71802665759  E
  1231st National Championship07/23/22161311+19413 of 59 (4)437741021878 $150E
  1332nd National Championship07/15/231615  +7633 of 60 (4)34925939933  E
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