TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Howard C Riepe
Howard C Riepe | Oak Grove, CA (USA)
(Peak: 1528)
Lifetime record
54-50-3 (0.519)
Career earnings: $0
Avg. score
renew NASPA membership
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
 1Sacramento CA Valley Master11/30/76—no data—1 (1)   E
 2Sundevil Club Tournament11/30/77—no data—1 (1)   E
 3NACQT (West Region)08/09/80541 21 of 52 (1)   E
 4Club 16 Marathon07/02/81—no data—? (1)   E
 5San Francisco CA02/15/8666  -17032 of 56 (2)31 1528  E
  6Reno NV Main Event07/03/031512  +47113 of 38 (4)36918928  E
  7Reno NV Main Event07/12/0414121 +14314 of 32 (4)18928959965  E
  830th National Championship Main Eve...07/20/1914161 -21429 of 44 (4)13965695858  E
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