TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Paolo Federico-O'Murchu
Paolo Federico-O'Murchu | Montclair, NJ (USA)
(Peak: 1105)
Lifetime record
90-65-0 (0.581)
Career earnings: $400
Avg. score
renew NASPA membership
Miscellaneous Historical Information

Percentage of player's games for which the opponent is known: 100% (155 of 155)
Percentage of those games that have scores known to 82% (127 of 155)

Historical Ratings and Rankings
DateRatingRankingPercentile RankLexicon
10/2009 797 1854 14 TWL
11/2009 976 1540 28 TWL
12/2009 981 1526 29 TWL
1/2010 1009 1465 32 TWL
2/2010 1047 1398 35 TWL
3/2010 1058 1372 36 TWL
2/2011 1078 1250 38 TWL
1/2011 1078 1261 37 TWL
12/2010 1078 1262 37 TWL
3/2011 1078 1224 38 TWL
11/2010 1079 1273 37 TWL
1/2012 1082 1146 38 TWL
2/2012 1082 1138 38 TWL
12/2011 1082 1153 38 TWL
11/2011 1082 1164 38 TWL
9/2012 1082 1080 37 TWL
10/2011 1082 1187 38 TWL
3/2012 1082 1127 37 TWL
4/2012 1082 1124 37 TWL
5/2012 1082 1126 37 TWL
6/2012 1082 1119 37 TWL
7/2012 1082 1115 38 TWL
8/2012 1082 1103 37 TWL
9/2011 1082 1186 38 TWL
8/2011 1082 1215 38 TWL
7/2011 1082 1223 38 TWL
6/2011 1082 1224 38 TWL
5/2011 1082 1229 38 TWL
4/2011 1082 1223 38 TWL
10/2010 1089 1278 38 TWL
9/2010 1105 1247 39 TWL
8/2010 1105 1225 40 TWL
7/2010 1105 1265 40 TWL
6/2010 1105 1269 40 TWL
5/2010 1105 1275 40 TWL
4/2010 1105 1275 40 TWL
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