Cheat Sheets for tournament players using the North American lexicon:

CHEAT SHEET - NWL23 for use in NASPA tournaments

CHEAT SHEET - WOW24 for use in WGPO tournaments

Cheat Sheets for tournament players using the International lexicon:

CHEAT SHEET - INTERNATIONAL 2021 (the lexicon is called both "CSW21" and "CSW2022")

Cheat Sheets for school players:

CHEAT SHEET for school Scrabble™ players


Some SCRABBLE™ TIPS from Mike Baron

Copyright © 2005-2024 Seth Lipkin and Keith Smith
Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2024 NASPA
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada.
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