#player1 Peter Peter Armstrong #player2 Geoff Geoff Thevenot #description Peter Armstrong plays Geoff Thevenot in Round 17 at the 2008 DO #title 2008 DO Round 17 #incomplete >Peter: AAIJMPS h7 JAM +24 24 >Geoff: DIINUVW i8 WUD +18 18 AW, MU >Peter: AEILOPS g8 PAIL +21 45 PAW, AMU >Geoff: EIINQUV 11b UNVEIL +18 36 >Peter: CEENNOS d8 CONVENES +84 129 >Geoff: IQ 10f QI +62 98 QI >Peter: ABELRRT 15a ARBS +18 147 >Geoff: AAEHIOW c9 WINO +24 122 WO, IN, OE >Peter: DEELRTV b10 LUV +19 166 LIN, VOE >Geoff: AAEHOOT -AAHOO +0 122 >Peter: DEEFRTU 14a FE +19 185 FA, ER >Geoff: AENOSTT j2 NOTATES +68 190 PAWS #note Players erroneously agreed that NOTATES scored 68 and not 70 >Peter: BDEGRTU a7 GRUB +27 212 BLIN >Geoff: AADEIIO i1 OIDIA +19 209 IN, DO, IT, AA >Peter: DENOST? 12g SNOrTED +73 285 PAILS >Geoff: AEEGIRS 1g EGO +12 221 >Peter: AACGPTT 2e GAT +8 293 ET >Geoff: ADEEIRS 13m ED +12 233 DE >Peter: ACEKPTX h12 NECK +30 323 >Geoff: AEIORRS e2 GIRO +10 243 >Peter: AHPTUXY o12 PHUT +43 366 EDH >Geoff: AEIRSTZ 4h ZITIS +48 291 >Peter: AILMXY? 13h EX +34 400 OX >Geoff: AAEEFRT 14m FEU +25 316 DEF, DE >Peter: AILMRY? d3 MAY +29 429 MI, AR, YO >Geoff: AAEORTY 14f RACY +24 340 OXY >Peter: EHILOR? l1 sLOSHIER +61 490 >Geoff: AELINOT 6b ATONE +24 364 MAYO, GIRON >Peter: R 3d MIR +7 497 AR >Peter: (LI) +4 501