#player1 Joey Joey Mallick #player2 Brian Brian Cappelletto #description Joey Mallick plays Brian cappelletto in Round 5 at the 2006 DO #title 2006 DO Round 5 #incomplete DEHILSV >Joey: EIILPST 8g PI +8 8 >Brian: RRRDALN -RRLN +0 0 >Joey: AEILQST 7h QI +23 31 QI >Brian: RADTEW? j7 sTEWARD +79 79 QIs >Joey: UETZALS 10j WALTZ +37 68 >Brian: AEJXOOT 11i TAXA +42 121 AX, LA >Joey: UESMFYE 8j TUMEFY +51 119 >Brian: ECJIWOO 13j DOJO +24 145 >Joey: SELNRYG 9d GYRES +27 146 PE, QIS >Brian: ASRWECI m1 WISEACRE +78 223 >Joey: AEEIILN 8a ILEA +19 165 AG >Brian: FEAIPG? 4l PEAG +18 241 >Joey: AACEEIN 1l AWEE +24 189 >Brian: OUDFEI? b2 OUtFIELD +76 317 >Joey: ACINNNT 2m INN +12 201 EN, EN >Brian: TOIENNG 5b FETING +20 337 >Joey: ACINOST 3a AUCTIONS +72 273 >Brian: ERUANOU d3 TUTORAGE +18 355 >Joey: HMEIIDV h1 DISH +36 309 >Brian: BLRNTAU c10 BURNT +18 373 BE >Joey: MEIVKOD 6k MOCK +22 331 >Brian: VORBELA 12a VERBAL +30 403 >Joey: DEHILSV 14e DELVISH +85 416 sTEWARDS, OH >Joey: DEHILSV -- -85 331 >Brian: NOOR 1e RONDO +6 409 >Brian: (DEHILSV) +28 437