#player1 Robin Robin Pollock Daniel #player2 Joel Joel Sherman #title SCRABBLE ALL-STARS 2003 Round 8 Table 2: Daniel-Sherman #description SCRABBLE ALL-STARS 2003 Round 8 Table 2: Robin Pollock Daniel vs. Joel Sherman. Recorded by Kate Doe and Milt Wertheimer (?). #style sas2003 #incomplete >Robin: ALOIDEE 8h OILED +16 16 >Joel: AAABHLO 9j ALOHA +19 19 >Robin: VVAIIES o5 VIVAS +42 58 >Joel: BANNOTA - +0 19 #note Joel challenged VIVAS and ALOHAS. >Robin: BEGHIO? 10l GOB +32 90 >Joel: BANNOTA 10h NAB +22 41 >Robin: HIKPTE? 11k KEP +32 122 >Joel: TONEARM g3 TONEARM +71 112 >Robin: ITHIER? 11c pITHIER +72 194 >Joel: AENRYZ? d8 ZAYIN +58 166 >Robin: GRUNTDN 6b TRUDGEN +15 209 >Joel: WIR?EST 13b WaSTRIE +88 254 >Robin: OFLNANE h1 LEAF +44 253 >Joel: ECAEIEO 14b OE +15 269 >Robin: LOTNCNO -LOTNCN +0 253 #note Annotator is not sure: Robin might have kept an N. >Joel: ACEEIIP e1 PIECED +22 291 >Robin: GNDOAUY 8a GAUZY +54 307 >Joel: ADEINSS 12l SEND +37 328 >Robin: FUOITON f1 IF +30 337 >Joel: ADIJMSU 3b JADE +24 352 #note Joel spent 4:50 thinking about JADE. >Robin: OOOEUTN 13m NOO +6 343 >Robin: OOOEUTN -- -6 337 #note HOPEN* is not acceptable. >Joel: IMSTULW h10 NEWEL +12 364 >Robin: OOOEUTN n12 NOO +6 343 >Joel: QUITSMX 15d QUITS +99 463 >Robin: IEOURTN 1a EURIPI +27 370 >Joel: CREMX k5 EXCEL +28 491 >Robin: NOT 4a NOT +15 385 >Robin: (MR) +8 393 #note Robin played fast, using only 12:44 to play her first 12 moves, and another 5:05 to play the last two. Joel spent 7:43 to make his first seven moves, then thought for 3:59 about PIECED, 5:50 about JADE, and eventually ended up with 3:43 remaining.