Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Wally_Schultz Wally Schultz
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Wally_Schultz: GOX 8G GOX +22 22
>Ryan_Fischer: AIIIKLW 7H WAIL +23 23
>Wally_Schultz: LNOOR 8K ORLON +20 42
>Ryan_Fischer: EHIIKLY M8 .IKELY +28 51
>Wally_Schultz: ?ADOSST 11G ASSOrT.D +66 108
#note tOSTAD(O)S is 72.
>Ryan_Fischer: EHIIRYZ H11 .IZER +45 96
>Wally_Schultz: ?EHIOTT 15A TOoTHIE. +83 191
#note Of note: gOETHIT(E), fO(R)TIETH, hITHE(R)TO. FORTIETH and THORITES, too.
>Ryan_Fischer: ADHIMSY O11 SHADY +57 153
#note Saw DAIMY(O), figured, hey, why not play a phony he can't challenge, make up some ground.
>Wally_Schultz: JO 10J JO +51 242
#note Grrr...
>Ryan_Fischer: EEFIMNR 10A FIREMEN +68 221
#note Well, that was surprising. Some life in these bones yet.
>Wally_Schultz: RTU A7 TUR. +21 263
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEGOUU 13E GAU.E +17 238
#note I'd find (R)OU(T)E later. This is just meh now.
>Wally_Schultz: ADEW 9C AWED +24 287
#note Well, that's unfortunate.
>Ryan_Fischer: CEENOUV J3 ENVO. +10 248
#note Desperately needing to keep it open.
>Wally_Schultz: BCDU 3G CUB.D +16 303
>Ryan_Fischer: ACELNPU H1 CA.L +21 269
#note No place for CLEANUP. Have to keep hope alive. 11D NU 20 is Static's choice.
>Wally_Schultz: ABER G2 A.ERB +13 316
#note Well, at least I've got him scared.
>Ryan_Fischer: ENOPTUV L8 .OU.E +31 300
#note D6 OUT(WE)EP 26. Opens a lane. Exhausts a lot of tiles, though. Wish I would've seen ROUTE sooner. Not good leaving all that crap, but I figured I might be able to catch him just by scoring well.
>Wally_Schultz: GQTT -GQTT +0 316
#note Ruh-oh.
>Ryan_Fischer: INNPTTV D9 ..NT +14 314
#note T(E)NPIN? Nah.
>Wally_Schultz: AAEIMNS B2 ANEMIAS +76 392
#note Got within TWO. TWO POINTS. Waaaah.
>Ryan_Fischer: IINPRTV A2 NIP +19 333
#note Blocking his Q. I don't see why Champ doesn't rate this best.
>Wally_Schultz: EFGIPQ 5J .EG +14 406
>Ryan_Fischer: IRTV 4A ..RV +18 351
>Wally_Schultz: FIPQ I13 .F +10 416
>Ryan_Fischer: IT I6 T.. +12 363
>Wally_Schultz: IPQ O6 PI. +5 421
>Ryan_Fischer: I I6 ...I +12 375
>Ryan_Fischer: (Q) +20 395
Player 2
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