Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Keller Keller
#player2 Josh Josh
>Keller: AEOTW 8D AWETO +18 18
>Josh: GHNNTUY D7 N.UGHTY +28 28
>Keller: ACENORU G6 OU.RANCE +63 81
>Josh: AENOPVW F4 VOW +30 58
#note This is very close with H1 WEAPON in both static equity and win %. I am okay with this play. I await your hatemail.
>Keller: EI 4F .IE +7 88
>Josh: ABBEKNP 3C KEBAB +49 107
>Keller: ADEINSU 11F U.SAINED +68 156
>Josh: AELNOPR 13F P.RONEAL +72 179
>Keller: DEJ D1 JE.D +40 196
>Josh: AEEEIIP 10J PIE +25 204
>Keller: ?AELNRR 14I RELeARN +77 273
>Josh: AEEIIRT C3 .AIE +11 215
#note It's looking pretty bad so I have to be aggressive. This sims 3rd best behind F13 (P)IE and C13 AI. #strategymedium
>Keller: FOYZ B4 FOZY +79 352
>Josh: EGIQRTT K9 Q.. +12 227
#note I have to hope he was holding all consonants when he played FOZY and drew four more so can't block the O column.
>Keller: IIMO O11 IMI.O +30 382
>Josh: EGIORTT 1D .ITTER +39 266
#note 1D (J)IGOT. Huge miss. #FINDINGSADDEST
>Keller: ADEHX 15F HEXAD +55 437
>Josh: ?CGOSUV 10B VU.G +17 283
#note I could of course play 10A VUG(G), but even if he doesn't have any vowels he can block the triple triple by just playing through the U at B9.
>Keller: ILN A7 NIL +14 451
>Josh: ?CDGOST 13A DOG. +18 301
#note I didn't realize I was emptying the bag, though it didn't matter. H3 S(E)CT has a slightly higher valuation. #endgamesadder
>Keller: AFILORS J1 SOLAR +21 472
>Josh: ?CMSSTT A11 Mi.ST +21 322
>Keller: FI 5J .IF +12 484
>Keller: (CST) +10 494
Player 2
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