Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 skaplan31 skaplan31
#player2 joeboy2 joeboy2
#description Created with Macondo
>skaplan31: AEFHMOV - +0 0
#note Rd 2 1-10-2021 Philly virtual. I'm 2nd but Woogles had me going first.
>joeboy2: DEEIIOS -EIO +0 0
#note I will defend this play over IODISE any day in a spot like this.
>skaplan31: AEFHMOV 8D FOVEA +30 30
#note Mhm
>joeboy2: ADEILNS I7 DENIALS +74 74
>skaplan31: HILMRTU E6 TH.RIUM +24 54
#note Missed D3 MIRTH(F)UL. If I'm gonna miss that, 11H HAMULI is a little better for long term board shape over this. This isn't bad itself tho.
>joeboy2: CDEOSTT 11H T.CO +12 86
>skaplan31: ?AILNNR G2 INLANd.R +59 113
#note Only bingo that plays.
>joeboy2: ADEESTV 2D DEV.ATES +72 158
#note 2B SEDATIVE does play for 6 more.
>skaplan31: AEKNQSW 1A WEKA +40 153
#note Maybe 1H KANE for 8 more although the leave is much clunkier.
>joeboy2: AAIIOPP 1H PIA +31 189
#note 1H PIPA does play for 44 here. Got lucky he missed that.
>skaplan31: BNNQSTY -BNNQY +0 153
>joeboy2: AEEIIOP F2 .IE +10 199
#note 4D AIOLI is clearly better for Joel here.
>skaplan31: CGOOSTZ 10D T.Z +32 185
#note 3B COZ #yuck
>joeboy2: ADEEIOP D4 PIE +12 211
#note 12D AMIDOL is much better for 23.
>skaplan31: CGGOOSY C3 SOGGY +39 224
#note Best scoring play available. Too bad COGGY* isn't good.
>joeboy2: ADDEORT H13 ADO +14 225
#note 2A OD is a great fish to block the X spot.
>skaplan31: ?CELOOX 2A OX +41 265
#note Good thing I can make him pay.
>joeboy2: DEGMRRT 12K DREG +15 240
#note He did take a while before doing this so I wasn't afraid he might have an S.
>skaplan31: ?ABCELO 15G C.OkABLE +64 329
#note This does have some defensive benefits, but maybe K2 (S)OCiABLE is the move instead. It has its benefits plus 8 more points.
>joeboy2: EFIMRRT G12 IF +19 259
>skaplan31: HIIUUWY -IIUUWY +0 329
#note Sorry Quackle, if I'm gonna exchange IIUUW, I'm gonna add the Y with it. No point in keeping anything except for the H for plays at D12 as well as for future blocking plays underneath DREG.
>joeboy2: ELMNRRT -LNR +0 259
#note D2 MERL does play for 26. It's clearly worth it here.
>skaplan31: AEEHNNO 13M HON +25 354
#note I am simply not letting Joel back in this game with a big bingo with the DREGS hook.
>joeboy2: EMORTUU 10K MURE +14 273
#note I thought he had the S after this play so good thing I intentionally passed up D12 plays.
>skaplan31: ABEENTU D12 ABUT +22 376
>joeboy2: LOQRRTU N6 QUOT. +34 307
>skaplan31: EEINSWY O5 WINY +58 434
#note Mhm
>joeboy2: IJLNRR 15A JIL. +33 340
>skaplan31: EES B1 ..ES +18 452
#note I did not know that COOKABLES was good! Knowing he can't go out, O11 ESNE, which I saw, is not correct. Best play that doesn't go out besides COOKABLES.
>joeboy2: NRR 5F R.N +10 350
#note Best for him here.
>skaplan31: E K10 ...E +7 459
#note D8 FET for 1 more. Couple mistakes in this one but overall not bad.
>skaplan31: (R) +2 461
Player 2
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