Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Yoli Yoli
#player2 Avery Avery
>Yoli: ABO 8H ABO +10 10
>Avery: DDEHHIL 9H HIDED +24 24
#note Held and released.
>Yoli: AKN L9 .ANK +18 28
>Avery: HJLOORT 11I JOH. +28 52
>Yoli: AMN 7F MAN +12 40
>Avery: ELLORUV 8A LOUVRE +43 95
>Yoli: DEENRST B4 REST.NED +63 103
>Yoli: DEENRST -- -63 40
>Avery: EFIILUV 6C FIVE +19 114
#note So I'm still tired during this game, and she had expressed that she saw a bingo, and I asked if it was DENTURES, and she said yes. Then I autopiloted and assumed that was the only bingo through the U until I hit my clock, seeing UNRESTED. I figured she didn't know STERNED, so I didn't giving up row 5, since I also figured she didn't know SEME.
>Yoli: DEENRST C8 .NRESTED +70 110
>Avery: ACIILOU 15A LU.IC +27 141
#note Should definitely play AUDIO or IODIC but I was losing focus.
>Yoli: NRW 11B W.RN +14 124
>Yoli: NRW -- -14 110
>Avery: ABIIIOT E10 BIOTI. +20 161
>Yoli: EFR F12 REF +31 141
>Avery: AAEEITT G11 EAT +11 172
>Yoli: ADEN H12 DEAN +32 173
>Yoli: ADEN -- -32 141
>Avery: AEIIPTT 5B TIP +14 186
#note Not wanting to open the board much, since I could see her having something like WANDERS here.
>Yoli: ADNW H12 DAWN +41 182
>Yoli: ADNW -- -41 141
>Avery: AEIIQRT 12A QI. +22 208
>Yoli: ADW 4A WAD +20 161
>Avery: AEIOPRT 12J PO.E +19 227
#note She audibly expressed annoyance at what she drew, so I felt okay playing this.
>Yoli: I - +0 161
#note x4
>Avery: ?AEIRST N8 STEARIc +77 304
#note lol
>Yoli: ?CEERSS 15H SECtERS +84 245
>Yoli: ?CEERSS -- -84 161
>Avery: ALNUWXY M12 .X +36 340
#note I should have just challenged SECTERS* to bait her into playing STEARICS*, but I entered both without thinking.
>Yoli: ?CEERSS A1 CRE. +27 188
>Avery: ALNTUWY 2A .UNWAY +40 380
>Yoli: GG E1 G.G +5 193
>Avery: AAELMOT 5F MEATAL +24 404
#note Blocking the obvious spot and trying to draw a challenge.
>Yoli: GNOS 1E .ONGS +26 219
>Avery: ILORUYZ O5 ZORI +45 449
>Yoli: ?ENOS 4J NEOnS +12 231
>Yoli: (LUY) +12 243
Player 2
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