Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Avery Avery
#player2 David_Brown David Brown
>Avery: AELOOOT -OOO +0 0
#note Can tell before even analyzing that this was my worst played game of the tournament.
>David_Brown: ABR 8F BRA +10 10
>Avery: AELTUVY I4 VAULTY +23 23
#note Miscounted and thought this scored more than placing this one spot up. I3 VAULTY scores 26.
>David_Brown: BNR 5H B.RN +12 22
>Avery: EEEGILN F8 .EE +7 30
>David_Brown: FI 11E IF +19 41
>Avery: AAEGILN H8 .A +7 37
>David_Brown: EIN 4I .EIN +18 59
>Avery: AEGILNT K3 L..EATING +70 107
#note Awful play 1: I had slowed down and realized LINEATES* wasn't a word, I wouldn't have done this. Just play ATINGLE and be a reasonable human. Held and released.
>David_Brown: AEEIY M2 AIYEE +27 86
>Avery: FLMOPSU N6 FLUMP +39 146
>David_Brown: IX L7 XI +22 108
>Avery: ADENOSS D10 ODA +15 161
#note Awful play 2: trying to get too fancy by giving myself bingo lanes when he's clearly close to one. Scored as 13
>David_Brown: AINO O8 NAOI +26 134
>Avery: DEENSST N2 ED +13 174
#note I decide that bingoing is not important and I completely whiff DENSEST.
>David_Brown: DOU L11 OUD +11 145
>Avery: ?CENSST 13C aSCENTS +75 249
#note And then I draw that. Much more controlled than something at 14H.
>David_Brown: IZ H13 .IZ +36 181
>Avery: AEMRTTW M12 MAW +26 275
>David_Brown: EKP N13 KEP +36 217
>Avery: EORRTTV C7 VERT +14 289
>David_Brown: LOO 8A OL.O +15 232
>Avery: ?EOOQTU 6B TOQUE +26 315
>David_Brown: ADEHIRS 2L H.. +6 238
#note His rack here.
>Avery: ?GNORST 1F ThRONGS +80 395
>David_Brown: ADEIJRS O13 SEI +36 274
#note He has like 30 seconds left by this point
>Avery: CGHIORW 2B CORGI +24 419
#note Best.
>David_Brown: ADJR A7 J. +9 283
>Avery: HW C1 H.W +18 437
>Avery: (ADR) +8 445
Player 2
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