Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Cesar Cesar
#player2 ian_w ian w
>Cesar: IIILPRT 8G PILI +12 12
>ian_w: EFGR J6 GR.EF +21 21
>Cesar: ADDIRTW K9 DAWT +24 36
>ian_w: EHORT L8 THROE +40 61
>Cesar: ADILORU M10 LOAD +26 62
>ian_w: ?AEIRSU N4 kAURIES +70 131
>Cesar: DIJLRUV 5K JUR.L +24 86
#note maybe i can keep the L hook so i can get more points next turn?
>ian_w: DGOO 6G DOG.O +17 148
>Cesar: BDIMNOV 7F MIB +20 106
#note when you don't study enough you don't see words like BOVID often enough to be able to play them. -12
>ian_w: INPT 9D PINT +15 163
>Cesar: DENOSSV E8 V.NO +14 120
>ian_w: ENRTZ D11 NERTZ +50 213
>Cesar: ADEIISS 13B AI.SIDES +74 194
>ian_w: AEEF 15A FEA.E +51 264
#note sigh
>Cesar: AAEEGUY O1 GAYA. +32 226
>ian_w: AKW H12 W.KA +45 309
#note sigh
>Cesar: EEETUVX 14A EX +43 269
#note 2L UVEA is great!
>ian_w: ?ABEMTU 15H .MBUlATE +83 392
#note i keep having these games against Ian where i'm just brutally outdrawn. like i have no chance. he won a FLL tourney by 3 games; in the penultimate game i had to beat him twice and he got like 250 pts in the first three turns. i suppose if i found BOVID though, i might draw the blank. i need to keep studying.
>Cesar: EEIOTUV N12 TOU. +15 284
>ian_w: OY L3 YO. +12 404
>Cesar: CCEEINV F12 V.E +8 292
#note i was fishing for RECCEING here and hope he draws the Q or something. it likely won't work
>ian_w: N 8N .N +6 410
#note how does he know i drew the Q?
>Cesar: CCEIINQ I2 ICIN. +11 303
#note lol fml
>ian_w: EHLNORS 3G RE. +6 416
>Cesar: CEQ 13M ..C +6 309
>ian_w: HLNOS H3 .H +18 434
>Cesar: EQ 14F .E. +10 319
#note joe damn it
>ian_w: LNOS 12F .O. +13 447
>Cesar: Q - +0 319
>ian_w: LNS G11 L... +5 452
>Cesar: Q - +0 319
>ian_w: NS F12 ...S +25 477
>Cesar: Q - +0 319
>ian_w: N 4H ..N +6 483
#note seriously infuriating
>ian_w: (Q) +20 503
Player 2
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