Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Steve_Glass Steve Glass
#player2 Nathan Nathan
>Steve_Glass: UX 8G XU +18 18
>Nathan: DIIOTYZ 9F DITZY +41 41
>Steve_Glass: IKN F9 .INK +11 29
>Nathan: EIILORS 11C LIO.ISER +66 107
>Steve_Glass: AFHT H11 .HAFT +45 74
>Nathan: ABEIOPT 8J OPIATE +32 139
>Steve_Glass: ?EGINOS 13F SE.GOINg +82 156
>Nathan: ?ABENRY C5 uRBANE.Y +66 205
>Steve_Glass: AAH B8 AAH +31 187
>Nathan: AADMOQR N6 QA. +32 237
>Steve_Glass: ADEOO 6C .OADEO +11 198
>Nathan: ACDMORT O7 D.MOCRAT +67 304
>Steve_Glass: DFIS 15L FIDS +78 276
>Nathan: AEEELNU 10I EEL +26 330
>Steve_Glass: LNOW 5E LOWN +28 304
>Nathan: AEENPUV - +0 330
>Steve_Glass: CMU 7J CUM +25 329
>Nathan: AEEGNRU 4D RAGE +24 354
>Steve_Glass: EIRTW D9 TW.ER +38 367
>Nathan: BEINOTU A6 TUB +30 384
>Steve_Glass: ELV B12 LEV +18 385
>Nathan: EIIJNOS 15A JOIN +43 427
>Steve_Glass: EGNPRUV L11 GU. +8 393
>Nathan: EIS 9M IS. +22 449
>Steve_Glass: ENPRV J13 .PE +11 404
>Nathan: E 14N E. +10 459
>Nathan: (NRV) +12 471
Player 2
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