Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Amalan_Iyengar Amalan Iyengar
#player2 Bradley_Whitmarsh Bradley Whitmarsh
>Amalan_Iyengar: ?EMNQRS -MQ +0 0
#note Quackle likes QuERN 8D. It also likes keeping EMNS? best if I exchange
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: BCEIOOT -BCE +0 0
>Amalan_Iyengar: ?AEJNRS 8B iNJERAS +92 92
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: AENW 9D ANEW +33 33
>Amalan_Iyengar: ABCEKLT 10D BECK +54 146
#note Blocked BLACKE(S)T, but can't complain about BECK
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: ?DEIOTV 7G DOVIEsT +83 116
>Amalan_Iyengar: AILTTTU 8L TILT +19 165
#note TAUT would have been better
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: GO 6J GO +16 132
>Amalan_Iyengar: AAERTUY O5 YUR.A +8 173
#note Nothing looks too good here. L6 E(sT)UARY looks pretty good. Other than that, all the good plays require knowledge of BECKE#
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: DEGIOOS 10I GOODIES +72 204
>Amalan_Iyengar: AABEFLT 5K FAB +28 201
#note BAFT# 11K
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: EFTW 11K WEFT +40 244
>Amalan_Iyengar: AEILPRT 12J ALP +28 229
>Amalan_Iyengar: AEILPRT -- -28 201
#note L(i)PARITE/REPTIL(i)A. I was getting confused between TWL14 and CSW. One of the disadvantages of learning your 3s for about 2 weeks.
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: GNOUY 12H YOUNG +42 286
>Amalan_Iyengar: AEILPRT 13C PLATIER +80 281
>Amalan_Iyengar: AAEEILT (challenge) +5 286
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: HMO 4L HOM +30 316
>Amalan_Iyengar: AAEEILT 3L ALAE +28 314
#note ALI(ENE)EEE is nice
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: IQ 7B QI +25 341
>Amalan_Iyengar: DEEEIIT 14A TEIID +21 335
#note EIDE same place looks better
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: DR H12 ..RD +24 365
>Amalan_Iyengar: EEINNRU A11 UNI.E +18 353
#note (YE)RD blocked my play of NEURINE. He said he played it because he had no vowels.
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: CH 2N CH +33 398
#note I figure he's got at least an S, but I don't think there's anything I can do about it
>Amalan_Iyengar: ELMNORX 14H .EX +29 382
#note OREX(IN) looks really good here. If he bingoes this turn with S(CAM), I will need a bingo and some luck to come back. OREX(IN)# opens up some spots and scoring lanes that he won't take with a bingo.
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: AAINPRS 1H PARIANS +88 486
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: EOSV (challenge) +5 491
>Amalan_Iyengar: LMNORUZ 6C ZOL +24 406
#note RONZ# and PONZU#
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: EOSV F3 VOES +24 515
>Bradley_Whitmarsh: (NRMU) +12 527
Player 2
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