Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joel_Horn Joel Horn
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Joel_Horn: LNUV 8F VULN +14 14
#note Boy would I love to see what I did wrong this game!
>Joshua_Sokol: DFLRSUY H6 FU.LY +11 11
#note Would you play G7 F(U)RY? I saw that this created a great board for me short-term. It protects the S-hook on VULN, and prevents Joel from doing much of anything. Most of what he can now do just improves my leave.
>Joel_Horn: AIJO G3 JIAO +24 38
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEGRSW 10F WA.ED +24 35
#note WAYED*. This wasn't a good play either. I should just fish here it would seem, or play 4C EARW(I)G, which I missed.
>Joel_Horn: IIII -IIII +0 38
>Joshua_Sokol: GIIIQRS J6 QIS +40 75
>Joel_Horn: FIR K5 RIF +28 66
>Joshua_Sokol: DGIILRR 4D RIG.D +18 93
>Joel_Horn: HILOT 11C THIOL +23 89
>Joshua_Sokol: AGILPRT 12A PLAIT +34 127
#note I missed ALRIG(H)T, which I sort of like. But this is fine too.
>Joel_Horn: NUY A12 .UNY +27 116
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEGIPR 12G PAIRED +25 152
#note This game takes a turn for the worst as I miss PARRIDGE. Did not know that one, another form of PORRIDGE. I also missed PARGED. Bad move.
>Joel_Horn: AT 11K TA +11 127
>Joshua_Sokol: EGMNOWX 10L GOX +32 184
#note Here is where I begin to have fun trying to block Joel Horn's fishing plays.
>Joel_Horn: ET 3G .ET +14 141
#note This was the first E that Joel played.
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEMNTW J2 WEN +25 209
#note Perhaps I leave his opening alone? It seemed tough for him to bingo after this play, but there are other spots. I think I should have played 13C WE, but what happened next was sort of ridiculous!
>Joel_Horn: ?ABEINR 2H BE.ARINg +82 223
#note OK then... I deserved that for my earlier mistakes.
>Joshua_Sokol: ACEMOST 1E COMA +45 254
#note missing the new COMSAT. I knew this was wrong, but not to this extent!
>Joel_Horn: KMO H12 .MOK +30 253
>Joshua_Sokol: EEEENST J10 .E.E +8 262
#note Instant karma for a mistake. I thought this would annoy my opponent, as Joel definitely has an affinity for E's, but it did not seem to faze him.
>Joel_Horn: ?CEENOS 13C ENS +21 274
#note This was his rack. He saw KNEESOCK and doubted its validity, but missed CINEOLES, CONVEXES, ENOUNCES, ONSCREEN and ENSCONCE. Also, L1 C(R)ONES is 36 points if the bingos aren't coming to him.
>Joshua_Sokol: DEENSST L2 .EDES +26 288
#note This was one of the most important positions I had gotten into all tournament. I couldn't come up with anything failsafe, but I think I needed to use math here much more than I did and play N9 E(X)TEND. It outruns many bingos, blocks some, and sets up my S for counterplay as well. I missed 9K DENE however, which also looks nice. This was my turning point this game.
>Joel_Horn: ?CEEOOR 15C RECOO.Ed +64 338
#note Unbelievably, a 9 was available here. Can you find it?
>Joshua_Sokol: INRSTTU M9 T. +3 291
#note Going for U(N)STRING and protecting the spot from getting blocked. A losing but valiant effort.
>Joel_Horn: AABGHOZ 3C ZAG +31 369
#note -6 to 3X HOB. Joel used up a lot of time earlier in the game and I did not manage to take advantage.
>Joshua_Sokol: INRSTUV C9 VI... +12 303
>Joel_Horn: ABHO 1M BOA +24 393
#note -7 to 5B HOB
>Joshua_Sokol: NRSTU 5A RUNTS +21 324
>Joshua_Sokol: (H) +8 332
Player 2
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