Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Benjamin_Bloom Benjamin Bloom
#player2 Josh Josh
>Benjamin_Bloom: ?AERSTU 8D AUSTERe +64 64
>Josh: EEGGILN G4 GLEE.ING +62 62
#note One of my worse misses of the tournament. I saw GLEEING* on my rack, forgetting I was confusing it with NEGLIGE, the real word. If I had seen NEGLIGE, definitely would not have missed NEGLIGE(E) for 83.
>Benjamin_Bloom: APW F6 WA.P +36 100
>Josh: AADFINS 11E FA. +14 76
#note This spot was weird. I'm definitely not in favorable shape here unless I draw into something nice next turn. I can only score 22 points with FADIN(G) through either G. That doesn't seem like enough to sacrifice so much leave potential, even on this bingo-unfriendly board. So because of this I decided better to play off FA somewhere. The obvious choice is at E5, but I figured that if I was going for a bingo, I should sacrifice 2 points to play at 11E. Primarily, I would do this because Benjamin is likely to underlap next turn or the one after, giving me something to work with through my bingo leave. Secondly, if I don't draw into a bingo, I thought that playing FA(G) would perhaps give me somewhere to dump my unfriendly tiles for a decent score, that spot being H11 down to the triple. And finally I found it favorable to block some bad case scenarios such as IZARD, IZARS, OZONE and IXORA at H11, although those aren't very likely.
>Benjamin_Bloom: ADR 12D RAD +16 116
>Josh: ADIINSW H1 WADI +31 107
#note Was tough here between WADI and H11 SWAIN, but I ultimately decided that because WADI gave me better board control, that it was the right play to make.
>Benjamin_Bloom: EEMOT E2 EMOTE +20 136
>Josh: IJNOS J6 JO. +25 132
#note I will only have
>Benjamin_Bloom: BEIV 13A VIBE +20 156
>Josh: ILNSZ 2D L.Z +32 164
>Benjamin_Bloom: ADIRT 1A TRIAD +33 189
>Josh: AEINNOS B1 .AISONNE +70 234
>Benjamin_Bloom: AINY A7 AYIN +38 227
>Josh: NTU C5 NUT +12 246
>Benjamin_Bloom: EIPRS H11 SPIRE +38 265
>Josh: Q 13G Q. +21 267
>Benjamin_Bloom: KOU 6J .OUK +15 280
>Josh: EG A13 .EG +21 288
>Benjamin_Bloom: CFLO M2 FLOC. +28 308
>Josh: CINOT 2J CON.IT +34 322
>Benjamin_Bloom: AB 1N BA +22 330
>Josh: DHMORUY 4K DO.MY +30 352
>Benjamin_Bloom: O O4 .O +5 335
>Josh: EERRUVX 14H .EX +26 378
#note It was rough here. I knew he had a 1/2 chance of having unblockable bingos next turn (given that he would not have kept two H's on his rack last turn). I decided that he might have a double H bingo through the E, so for safety purposes I decided to block the E as best as I could, as I was far enough ahead to win if Benjamin could not bingo.
>Benjamin_Bloom: ?EHILST 12H .HILTrES +76 411
#note Turns out the last two tiles in the bag were the blank and the H. Ouch. Benjamin did not hesitate to look for better bingos here (the best one being N6 SLITHEr for 87) and took the sure win.
>Benjamin_Bloom: (EHRRUV) +24 435
Player 2
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