Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Kate Kate
>Joey: ?DNPSTZ 8H SPiTZ +50 50
#note I could play PST to keep the blank but that seems silly.
>Kate: DEEIORX I8 .EROXIDE +70 70
>Joey: CDLMNOY 15F COM.LY +39 89
#note CONDYLE or MELODY are minor improvements.
>Kate: EGORUW K6 OU.GREW +22 92
>Joey: ADGGJNT J4 TAJ +51 140
>Kate: IKO L12 OIK +24 116
>Joey: BDGGNSY 13L .GG +10 150
>Kate: EIINORR 4H IN.ERIOR +70 186
>Joey: BDNSUVY N10 BUD.Y +36 186
#note Scored as 34. If Kate challenged it would have been scored as 0.
>Kate: AEFIRSS O7 FRAISES +99 285
>Joey: BHNSTTV N3 B.TH +17 203
>Kate: EITU O1 UTE.I +21 306
>Joey: AENSTVW H1 WAV.NES. +42 245
#note Wow, two vowels on one turn! That brings me up to 4 for the game.
>Kate: AHO H11 HAO +24 330
>Joey: ?CDNNTV 13G V..D +12 257
>Kate: AELO 3E LAE.O +13 343
>Joey: ?CENNNT F2 N.N +5 262
#note There's vowel #5, but only 4 of mine have been played.
>Kate: ELMP 2H .MPLE +20 363
>Joey: ?CEINRT 6A pRENTIC. +63 325
#note All of the best bingos score 63. Slotting the blank in the triple-triple lane seemed to make sense.
>Kate: AAQT D4 QA.AT +30 393
>Joey: AADEIIN E6 .AENIA +16 341
#note If an A was an O I'd have had the recently added TAENIOID! 11 total vowels played can't be too far from a record.
>Kate: EFLOU B1 FOULE. +18 411
>Kate: (DI) +6 417
Player 2
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