Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey_Krafchick Joey Krafchick
#player2 Robin_Lewis Robin Lewis
>Joey_Krafchick: CEIIORT H7 OI +4 4
#note Quackle likes exchange I the best, but I feel like taking the center square is somewhat important. I guess for 4 points I might as well not....since CEIORT bingoes with A + E + consonants, so well over 30% chance of hitting a seven (-5.2)
>Robin_Lewis: OW G7 WO +20 20
>Joey_Krafchick: CEEIRTT 9D CITE +14 18
>Robin_Lewis: EFQU E8 F.QUE +34 54
>Joey_Krafchick: ELLRRTV 12B REV.L +16 34
>Robin_Lewis: BIX C10 IB.X +26 80
>Joey_Krafchick: AAADLRT H5 AR..D +14 48
>Robin_Lewis: ?AAEPST B8 SEPA.ATe +103 183
>Joey_Krafchick: AAEFLTZ 15A F.AZE +78 126
>Robin_Lewis: AHIJR A4 HIJRA +63 246
>Joey_Krafchick: ACELRTT 5G L.CTATE +18 144
#note No sense in fishing on this board, especially without the blank. I needed to open things up and get volatile, unfortunately.
>Robin_Lewis: AEIM 4D AMIE +14 260
>Joey_Krafchick: EGIKNNR 3F KERNING +74 218
#note Only bingo. Also, KERNINGS is new.
>Robin_Lewis: HSY 5C SHY +37 297
>Joey_Krafchick: ABDINOU N2 BOUDIN +33 251
>Robin_Lewis: DPU O6 DUP +23 320
>Joey_Krafchick: ?AEEIRS L1 ER.A.IvES +72 323
#note I saw AERIESt, which scores 6 more, but too many easy overlaps are created. This keeps things way more open, as well, which is crucial at this point since one bingo might not be enough.
>Robin_Lewis: GO H1 GO. +12 332
>Joey_Krafchick: ELNOORY O1 YON +24 347
#note This was probably a mistake. My initial logic was that there are two unseen N's, so why would I keep my N?

I see based on her fish that she has a good chance at bingoing next turn, so I should prepare better for a bingo. She might not hit, if I'm lucky, but here's the difference (I thought of this immediately after she bingoes next turn, unfortunately):

If I anticipate her bingoing, there will be one in the bag after her bingo, so I can fish one last time if I don't draw into a bingo from ELNOR. I might lose regardless, but it seems to be more ideal to give myself a chance. If I only I thought of that

That being said, OY is the play I would say.
>Robin_Lewis: EILOSTU K8 OUTLIES +68 400
>Joey_Krafchick: EGLOORT L12 TROG +22 369
>Robin_Lewis: ADMNNVW 15L .NAW +24 424
>Joey_Krafchick: ELO B2 OLE +11 380
#note I played well up until the end in which I cost myself a better chance, in summary.
>Joey_Krafchick: (DMNV) +20 400
Player 2
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