Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kolton_Koehler Kolton Koehler
#player2 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
>Kolton_Koehler: IIII -IIII +0 0
>Thomas_Reinke: IILOSTU 8G TUI +6 6
#note Or exchange.
>Kolton_Koehler: AEEIMRT F2 EMIRATE +67 67
>Thomas_Reinke: ABILOOS E3 OBA +22 28
#note E3 OBOLI. Saw the word and didn't notice it fit.
>Kolton_Koehler: CLP 3C CL..P +28 95
>Thomas_Reinke: ILNNOST I5 NIT.NOLS +60 88
>Kolton_Koehler: CDENNOT 12B CONTEND. +76 171
>Thomas_Reinke: ADIOSUV 11I .UV +12 100
#note C9 VODOU. I liked keeping more bingo opportunities but this leave isn't great enough to pass up the points.
>Kolton_Koehler: EIK H12 .IKE +27 198
>Thomas_Reinke: ADIOSYY D5 YAY +15 115
#note Focused on dumping the Y's I just drew.
>Kolton_Koehler: EI 7D .E.I +11 209
>Thomas_Reinke: DDEIOST L5 TODDIES +68 183
>Kolton_Koehler: N 10I .N +8 217
>Thomas_Reinke: ??EIJOW 8A JOWs +48 231
#note K4 JEW is 35 and looks like a totally normal non-blank-having play.
>Kolton_Koehler: AEGILNR 15A ALGERIN. +80 297
>Thomas_Reinke: ?ADEIOS K3 rOADIES +79 310
>Kolton_Koehler: AGZ J2 ZAG +37 334
>Thomas_Reinke: AEFMRTU 14D FEM +31 341
>Kolton_Koehler: EIPRV M2 VIPER +27 361
>Thomas_Reinke: AFORTUW 11C WAUR +27 368
#note I even said to myself before making this play "keep the U man there's still a Q out there why don't you ever listen to me", and then I played the U. This sims best anyway.
>Kolton_Koehler: BOR 10D BRO +20 381
>Thomas_Reinke: EFLOQST 6H Q. +11 379
>Kolton_Koehler: X 9K ..X +18 399
>Thomas_Reinke: EFLORST H1 LOST +27 406
>Kolton_Koehler: AAEGHHU K11 .UGH +11 410
>Thomas_Reinke: EFR B6 FR.E +15 421
>Thomas_Reinke: (AAEH) +14 435
Player 2
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