Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Ian_Weinstein Ian Weinstein
#player2 Winter Winter
>Ian_Weinstein: ?AADELX 8H ADnEXAL +94 94
>Winter: DEGHLLW M6 WH.LED +18 18
#note Gotta create opportunities to get lucky.
>Ian_Weinstein: IPRV 10J VIP.R +20 114
>Winter: EEGILRS H7 G.SELIER +60 78
>Ian_Weinstein: EITY L10 .IETY +23 137
#note I can't believe he didn't get it. But he will.
>Winter: DEELNOO N1 NOODLE +25 103
#note Gotta get that ESS!!!
>Ian_Weinstein: AAAAAA -AAAAAA +0 137
>Winter: EEORRTZ 1J REZO.E +75 178
>Ian_Weinstein: AAAAAA -AAAAAA +0 137
#note Unbelievable. But he must have the ess.
>Winter: BPRTTTU 13D BUTT.R +10 188
#note I've gotta turn over tiles, and don't know TURBIT or TURBOT or PRUTOT. I could try blocking, but both BR(R) and BU(R)P don't block and screw my leave.
>Ian_Weinstein: AINOR C9 NORIA +30 167
#note He hits one spot. Will I hit the other?
>Winter: ACGNOPT B6 CAPON +23 211
#note Burned a lot of time on this rack, freaking out about the ess, and whether I could block. In the end went for more turnover.
>Ian_Weinstein: EHJSU 15D JEHUS +99 266
>Winter: AGINTTW L4 TWA +18 229
#note My brain melted. No idea what to do.
>Ian_Weinstein: AY M3 YA +24 290
>Winter: EGIMNTU A7 MUT +34 263
>Ian_Weinstein: EFGINU D4 FEUING +27 317
>Winter: AEGINOQ C3 QI +27 290
>Ian_Weinstein: ?ACIITV G1 VIaTICA +66 383
>Winter: AEEGKNO F2 KAE +36 326
#note Huge miss, but the game was over anyway.
>Ian_Weinstein: ANS J10 .ANS +17 400
>Winter: EFGMNOO F7 GOOF +21 347
#note Don't care anymore.
>Ian_Weinstein: BDIORS J1 .IB +7 407
>Winter: EMN G9 ME +21 368
>Ian_Weinstein: DORS O10 SORD +17 424
>Ian_Weinstein: (N) +2 426
Player 2
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