Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Gab_Wong Gab Wong
>Gab_Wong: AMYZ 7H MAZY +38 38
>JD: AHINSTU 6H AH +17 29
>Gab_Wong: BEV K4 BEV. +24 62
>JD: INOSTUU 4K .OUT +12 41
#note tossing back the Us is an option too, I figured I would set up the S. the winning option by a long way is UNIT - OSU has some synergy.
>Gab_Wong: FIP M2 PF.I +18 80
>JD: AEILNSU 2M .UL +10 51
>Gab_Wong: ADF J3 FAD +17 97
>JD: AAELNOS O1 A.E +9 60
#note overthought this one, but for some reason ALNOS seemed to hit more than ELNOS, especially with so many Es left. opening with ANOA doesn't seem right.
>Gab_Wong: DIINORT 9A DINITRO +64 161
>JD: AHINNOS A6 HON.A +27 87
#note I didn't see ohia. it's probably the right move even though it's very defensive.
>Gab_Wong: CEEOO B2 COOEE +25 186
>JD: BCINPSS 9J SPIC +23 110
#note ok idea but I should've moved it over a spot!
>Gab_Wong: DEX C3 DEX +39 225
>JD: BILNRSW L8 W.N +10 120
#note I don't like this play in retrospect because it makes it too easy for him to block that side of the board. I debated between this spot and GOWN, and I think GOWN is better.
>Gab_Wong: DJOU 11J JUDO +32 257
>Gab_Wong: KORRW 15C R.WORK +39 296
#note it starts to go downhill in a hurry here...
#note I figured that rather dumping the Q I might as well try to draw one of the five tiles in the bag that actually scores points (blanks, esses, Y). quackle agrees!
>Gab_Wong: ALY 14D .AY +32 328
#note so much for the Y
>JD: AEELOTU N8 EAU +14 208
#note seems like a fair try, especially if he doesn't know spicae...but I am in deep trouble
>Gab_Wong: GIMR O5 GRIM +33 361
#note unfortunately gab has the last scoring tile that fits at O8
#note I should probably just cash in my chips and give up with EXTOLL rather than trying this again but it hardly matters
>Gab_Wong: ?NS 12J oNS +32 393
#note of course, little did I know that gab's last draw after GRIM included ??S. By this point I was in full-blown heckling mode and I kept asking gab "how many blanks do you have now?!" He finally caved and told me he had just drawn both of them, and then played this ridiculous play.
>JD: EEEIITV 5B ..IT +22 230
#note I have no idea what I was trying to accomplish on this play. it had been a long day.
>Gab_Wong: ?AILNOS F1 LIAiSON +72 465
>JD: EEEQRTV 1D RE.EVE +30 260
#note leveret is a much better play
>Gab_Wong: EELTT 3E T.LE +5 470
>JD: QT 12C Q. +11 271
>Gab_Wong: ET 10F ET +12 482
#note Gab went over and I didn't! nyah! by the end of this game I was coffeehousing at full volume and we had people around us laughing. 1-6 and time for a giant bottle of asahi.
>Gab_Wong: (T) +2 484
Player 2
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